This 1886 novella by Robert Louis Stevenson is a narrative about the complexities of science and the duplicity of human nature.
About the Book
Publix Press eBook Delivery Instructions
After purchasing, you can send the eBook file (.mobi) directly to your device via your Kindle email, which can be found and modified on the Amazon Device Manager webpage. This method requires no additional apps, conversions, etc. You will also be sent an email that includes the eBook file, which you can forward directly to your Kindle email.
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You will be able to download the eBook file (.epub) directly to your computer and transfer it to your Nook eReader.
Nook download directions (black and white display):
1. Download the file directly to your computer. (This won’t work with a mobile device.)
2. Connect your Nook eReader to your computer with your supplied USB cable. Locate your Nook device in Windows Explorer (usually in “My Computer”) or Mac Finder (usually in “Devices” on Mac).
3. Locate the eBook file on your computer and drag it from your computer to your Nook device (Nook device>Files>My Books folder. All done!
Nook download directions for a phone or tablet.
1. Open your device and connect to the internet.
2. Open the book’s webpage (on your phone or tablet) and download the file.
3. If you are asked “Are you sure you would like to download this file?” select “Yes.”
4. The file will download to your device and will be available inside your Nook App in your books library.
Note: If you encounter any issues accessing your eBook file, please write to us at, and we’ll do everything that we can to help.
You will be able to download the eBook file (.epub) directly to your iPad, iPhone, or Mac.
iBooks download on an iPad or iPhone.
1. Open your device and connect to the internet.
2. Open the book’s webpage (on your phone or tablet) and download the file.
3. If you are asked “Are you sure you would like to download this file?” select “Yes.”
4. The file will download to your device and will be available inside your iBooks App in your books library.
iBooks download on a Mac.
1. Open your device and connect to the internet.
2. Open the book’s webpage (on your phone or tablet) and download the file.
3. If you are asked “Are you sure you would like to download this file?” select “Yes.” The file will download to your Mac.
4. Locate the eBook file you just downloaded (usually in your “Downloads” folder) and two-finger click (for MacBooks) on the file. Then select “Open with” and select the iBooks App to open your book.
Note: If you encounter any issues accessing your eBook file, please write to us at, and we’ll do everything that we can to help.
You will be able to download the
eBook file (.epub) directly to your Kobo Tablet or transfer the downloaded eBook file from your computer to your Kobo Tablet.
Download to Kobo Tablet.
1. Open your Kobo Tablet and connect to the internet.
2. On your Kobo tablet, open the book’s webpage and download the file.
3. If you are asked “Are you sure you would like to download this file?” select “Yes.” The file will download to your device and will be available inside your Kobo App in your books library.
Transfer to Kobo Device via Computer.
1. On your computer (not a mobile device), open the book’s webpage and download the file.
2. Connect your Kobo device to your computer with your supplied USB cable and locate the device in Windows Explorer or Mac Finder (usually in “My Computer” or “Devices” on Mac).
3. On your computer, locate the file you downloaded and drag it from your computer to your Kobo device. The book will appear in your library.
Note: If you encounter any issues accessing your eBook file, please write to us at, and we’ll do everything that we can to help.
PDF documents can be read on any device with no additional apps needed, though they are best read on computers or large tables.
Note: If you encounter any issues accessing your
eBook file, please write to us at, and we’ll do everything that we can to help.